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Twistori is a cute app based on Twitter posting containing the words love, hate, think, believe, feel & wish. I like that it’s inspired by We Feel Fine which I always enjoy playing with just because of its creative use of color blobs.

I admit ooh-and-aah-ing over floating, streaming little color bubbles.  Even though it’s been around since 2006, it’s just a feast for the eyes.

Suprb by Andreas Pihlström

Very clean interface from this Swedish designer/typographer/coder/etc. I like the detailed process outlined in the Capset piece.

Clutter-free Inbox is possible. Seriously!

I’m always astounded by the amount of emails people leave on their Inbox every day. It seems like a very basic requirement to have a clean, manageable Inbox. Start with a little discipline, add a dash of good organization, a lot of consistency and then sticking with it.

Here are my few tips on reducing your email congestion and increasing your workday efficiency:

1) Take action when you receive an email

  • Always apply FAT rule >> File, Act or Trash. Whenever you open an email, resolve to take one of the following four actions:

1) Reply: If you can respond to the email in less than two minutes, do it so you can delete or archive/file the email.

2) Forward: If there’s a more appropriate person to respond to the email, forward it.

3) Delete: If the email requires no action, then either delete it or archive it for later reference. Keep mail for about 3-4 weeks in “Deleted” folder; anything older than that, delete every week.

4)  Archive/File: See “Organize your inbox”

5) Set a Reminder/Add to Calendar: If the email requires action at a later date, set a reminder-or if the action has to occur at a specific time on a certain day, add the event to your calendar.

Result: Clutter-free Inbox. After applying FAT rule, your inbox should only have emails that you need to go back and take action on.

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Awesome Infographics

Now these are some terrific infographics. Some may make you wonder how long does it take to actually make. Supernice, right? Thumbs up to all the designers.

Via Francesco Mugnai

SpecialGuest = Wow!

I was floored by SpecialGuest‘s fluid site, its creativity, smooth motion and quirky elements all around. Portfolio shows tons of nice work but what’s more important, you only need to see the website to know the soul of their work. Sit and just watch. It’s fantastic!

Via NetDiver

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