Another blog for infographics? Sure! I always like data visualizations that make sense. If they are beautiful to look at, then it’s a plus. It beats looking at chi-squared cross-tabulation on Word doc table. 🙂
Another blog for infographics? Sure! I always like data visualizations that make sense. If they are beautiful to look at, then it’s a plus. It beats looking at chi-squared cross-tabulation on Word doc table. 🙂
Lookie here: Spezify, a cool visual search engine. I like how the results are immediately popping up and displayed in a sort of JQuery-like mix-match boxes. There doesn’t seem to be a clear reason for the layout and I’m a little disappointed by is the thinness of the results. Doesn’t seem to yield as much as I’d like it to.
Yes, I did write “Engines” on the title because I’m still really liking Viewzi‘s Google Timeline (or Cronotron). Continue reading…
Coolest URL I’ve come across in a very long time:
Why? Because “Jennifer Daniel Dot Com Was Taken” as the <title> suggests. Hillarious! I’m borrowing her ant.
Digital Confetti is an interactive installation at the Metropolitan Home Magazine’s “Design 100″ party. Done by Rockwell Group LAB, which has done many really cool projects. I’m particularly drawn to their kaleidoscope design for Maboussin.
p.s.: I remember presenting a client with a super cool interactive kaleidoscope concept last year. They went with another concept so we shelved it. A month later I started seeing all these kaleidoscope designs popping up in banners, promos, etc. (Nip/Tuck season promo, Virgin Mobile). Hmm… I guess it was a mass brainwave moment. Would’ve been really nice to be ahead of the wave.
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