This morning I got a little surprise in my inbox: An email from CardScan At Your Service telling me that a contact wants me to make sure everything is up-to-date with a little image of my business card with a bunch of notes. Oh cool, I thought, until I saw “bad teeth” scribbled on it! What??!
Apparently, I’m an “Asian fast talker” (check!) with “bad teeth” (so wrong!) and “Killer idea” (not bad for a closing statement). But “bad teeth”??! For the record, I only have 1 cavity in my otherwise near-perfect pearly whites. It would’ve made sense if I had summer teeth.
So I googled him and found his LinkedIn profile, in which he posed like an 80’s version of Rodin’s The Thinker. His Facebook photo is even creepier. No idea who he is.
There are “strategy,” “visability” [sic] and “create mini webpages for each candidate” which looked like I was giving out free ideas. Must’ve met him during a networking event a few years back in which I apparently made an impression, either with my killer ideas or with my bad teeth. What a dick!
So for you out there who write notes on business card: Don’t write stupid things, don’t scan it blindly and don’t use a service that sends out update reminders automatically. Or you’ll end up killing any business opportunities or just making it onto someone’s shit-list.