Archived entries for that’s just crazy

Billionaires’ 6 Tech Gifts

This “6 tech gifts billionaires are giving each other this year” list is just too funny… as in ironic! Awesome design for the Hermes 8 Days Spiral Boule Clock, but at $560,000, I think my Sony alarm clock that I bought 14 years go (with its broken CD player) is grand!

If billionaires keep giving out gifts like that, they won’t be billionaires for long. God bless them… At least some people are optimistic in this economy. 🙂 goes live

Oh, lookey here… is live! Squeaky folks are excited about this project, from the very start. I still remember the HersheyPark trip where I won a giant, neon-green stuffed monkey from the impossible bottle ring toss!

Donuts: A Love Story

A missed connection courtesy of Midtown Lunch, “Donuts: A Love Story” is worth reading just for the comments alone. 🙂

Bruce Lee: Nunchucks 1 – Ping Pong 0

I know this came out 6 months ago from Nokia, with a microsite (which is just too painfully slow) and a nice packaging thingymajig, but seriously, it makes me want to dust off my imaginary nunchucks and just try it on anything.  I just can’t help it.

Meat Cards

This made my day! I guess you shouldn’t leave home without it, especially if you may be stranded in the middle of nowhere with no food. I wonder if you can order different flavors… like mesquite or honey BBQ. That would be awesome!

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